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Hotels & Accommodation

Although there are numerous hotels in the vicinity of the Imperial College South Kensington campus, summer events such as Wimbledon mean that London will be much busier than usual. You are therefore strongly advised to book accommodation well in advance of the conference to guarantee a room close to Imperial.

Imperial College Conference Accommodation

Where possible we recommend making bookings using the Imperial College Conference Accommodation service, which offers specially discounted rates for a range of local hotels:


and also provides information on the summer accomodation operated directly by Imperial College:


London Marriott Hotel Kensington

We have also negotiated a special 15% discounted rate with the London Marriott Hotel Kensington. To get this rate, please use this link and select the appropriate arrival and departure dates.

General hotel bookings

There are numerous hotels in the vicinity of the Imperial College South Kensington campus, which can be booked directly or via travel websites such as Expedia.